Unfortunately I do not find an appropriate translation for the German word "Reiselektüre". However I just want to briefly show what I'm going to take with me. Normally I carry approximately so many books with me that I could spend the whole stay with just reading my own books. I tried to be a bit more reluctant this time but I'm not sure if it was successful.
The two Go books "Tesuji" and "Life and Death" are quite new. I ordered them this week since I heard they are an important part of Go literature and I assume they are understandable even without a Go board in front of you. Same goes for "Reducing Territorial Frameworks".
My most recent acquirement is the Japanese language travel guide. I hope that I learn enough from it to ask for a game, or something like that. The "Osaka Insider" was a birthday present and contains a lot of information about sightseeing in Osaka.
The only non-travel-related book is the newest novel by Terry Pratchett: "Dodger". Unfortunately I had to remove it from my cabin baggage... because of the many other books already there.
I'm starting from the airport in Leipzig soon and will be flying to Istanbul first. There I will have six hours waiting time so I'm pondering if I want to make a short visit to the city centre. Otherwise I will probably be wandering around the airport looking for some free W-Lan.
The camp starts officially on Monday, so expect more posts on Go in Osaka from that day on.
Let me know what you think about Reducing Territorial Frameworks! I've been thinking about getting it myself as well.